Porridge, a healthy breakfast
Porridge is one of the best starts to the day. A very healthy breakfast, especially using fruit for natural sweetness.
Together, the oats and fruit provide fibre and slow release energy throughout the morning.
Place the water and cinnamon into a saucepan over a medium heat. Bring to the boil then add the oats. Reduce the heat to simmer for five minutes, stirring occasionally.
Remove from the heat and leave to stand, covered, until thickened to your taste.
Divide the porridge into bowls then top with apple pieces, dates, almonds and a sprinkling of brown sugar.
Add skimmed milk, to taste, to each bowl and serve.
To save time in the morning, the oats can be placed in a bowl with the water and cinnamon and cooked in the microwave for 1 min 30 seconds. Stir well, then cook for another 1 min 30 seconds. Remove from the microwave, stir in the fruit and almonds and add milk to taste.
A great source of protein and carbohydrate, oats keep us fueled after our night time fast and feeling fuller for longer. The oats, fruit and almonds in this recipe also provide a great source of dietary fibre, helping to release the energy slowly throughout the morning and keep our guts healthy.
Oats contain a soluble dietary fibre called beta glucan, which in many studies has been shown to help reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of developing heart disease.
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